November 2020
We reached out after finding Shawn and his company promoted in an article he was interviewed in about proper attic venting. We told him we needed a brand new roof, gutters, garage door, and wanted to do whatever was necessary to get our attic properly vented. He was our one-stop shop!
On the phone, he seemed very knowledgeable and completely smitten upon learning that I found him through the previously mentioned article. He let me know he was currently working on a large project 20 mins south of me in Lawrence, but could start working with us in about 3 weeks and would send his “A Team” to our house. Towards the end of the phone call, Shawn collected our information and said he’d be in touch once his sorority house remodel project in Lawrence was completed. We never heard from him again.
He never called us back to cancel our arrangement, to tell us he was too busy, or to even let us know that he was no longer interested in the job. After 5 weeks of waiting [2 weeks past the original 3 week window as we understood he was busy and could have lost track of time, we gave our business to AppleHanz Roofing and they were PHENOMENAL!
Response from the owner
Shawn Bellis, Owner, EPIC Exteriors
Response to Owner’s Response
I can provide a screenshot that proves we are exactly 53 miles away, not 100 miles away as you are now claiming. Yes, you offered advice during the call and sounded really eager to work with us. We were just as excited and eager to work with you. You never said we were too far away. If you decided that after our conversation, you never let us know. We certainly wouldn’t have waited on someone who said, “I’d love to work with you, but you’re outside of my service area.” I don’t understand why you are now changing the details of the conversation we had, but you specifically said you had an “A Team & a B Team” and that you and your “A Team” would be available to work with us in 3 weeks as you were currently busy finishing up your sorority house job in Lawrence. I understand being busy. I even understand changing your mind. What I do not understand is why we couldn’t be sent a 20 second text or given a 2 minute phone call to let us know instead of standing us up altogether. Thank you for taking the time to respond, even if your response was partially dishonest. Again, I don’t mind providing screenshot to disprove your claims. If you can be this dishonest about not showing up, I can only imagine the cat-and-mouse game that would have ensued had we had an issue after installation.
Updated Response from Owner.
Caitlin, I appreciate your feedback…I think I naturally am a people pleaser and love to serve my customer so initially, I thought I could get to you and was excited and flattered about how we connected. I should have reached out and just said I couldn’t make it.
For that, I apologize and will work harder to provide a better customer experience for others in the future.
Happy Holidays
Thanks Again